André and Berthe Noufflard


Prize Noufflard

The biennial prize awards a young figurative artist, no older the 45 years of age, painting in oils.


Prize André et Berthe Noufflard

Image flottante Awarded by the André and Berthe Noufflard Foundation, within the structure of the Fondation de France in memory of the two artists thanks to the sale of certain of their paintings and augmented by a donation from their daughter, Geneviève. The biennial prize awards a young figurative artist, no older the 45 years of age, painting in oils. The prize was awarded for the first time in October 1985.

  • Inscription forms for artists wishing to present their paintings may be obtained at the following address:
  • Secrétariat du Prix André et Berthe Noufflard
  • Fondation André et Berthe Noufflard
  • Adresse c/o Fondation de France
  • 40 avenue Hoche - 75008 PARIS

  • Prize winners:

    1986 - aron vide vide 1989 - Jean-Marc Idir 1990 - Jacques Rohaut vide vide vide vide vide 1997 - Jean-François Oudry vide 2001 - Mathieu Gaudric 2003 - Sylvie Manjoo 2005 - Nora Douady 2008 - Mireille Blanc 2010 - Olivier Charpentier


    Copyright (c) 2009 - All documents on this site are protected by copyright - Association Noufflard - All rights reserved.
    Web design : Véronique Maronne / Galerie flash : Nicolas Lucas